
2019/20: IFA League Entries still open

Entries are still open for the 2019/20 IFA League season, though entries for the IFA Cup are closed. Please note the following details; – League games can be played from Saturday 13th July 2019 to Saturday 30th May 2020. – Entry forms must be completed before games can count towards the league – Teams entering 2019/20: IFA League Entries still open

Rule Amendments 2019/20

Back in February, you may recall that we encouraged teams to complete as many games as possible so that the implementation of rules for the 2019/20 season. Following feedback, we have decided to implement the following rules for the 2019/20 season to encourage teams to make the journey to their respective afternoon games and to Rule Amendments 2019/20

THREE is the magic number!

WE now have just THREE spaces left for Football Manager WorldNet 2019 and have chosen to freeze the price at £250 for the last three entries for the 2019 event! To enter please complete this form: Bank details and Paypal account details will be sent on your confirmation of entry email, once you have completed THREE is the magic number!

Eligibility of Players & Teams 2019/20

AS part of us looking to continually improve the IFA for all, as a Committee we are currently reviewing the rules for entry to our organisation including League, Cup and our flagship Worldnet competitions. We would encourage all IFA teams to complete as many league fixtures, especially “double header” games, as possible by the end Eligibility of Players & Teams 2019/20

Discipline and Conduct in the IFA

WHILST we should not have to remind any teams of the below three rules, we have encountered instances recently where as a Committee we have had to take actions against some of our member teams. At the beginning of the season, you will have agreed to abiding by the IFA General Rules and these been Discipline and Conduct in the IFA

Football Manager WorldNet & BigTamVets 2019 – Earlybird Deadline One Week Away!

The deadline for our fantastic £200 Earlybird entry offer WorldNet & BigTamVets 2019 is just one week away. After this point the fee reverts to our standard price of £250. Worldnet & BigTamVets are back at the University of Nottingham’s Riverside Sports Complex on the weekend of Friday 5th July to Sunday 7th July 2019, sponsored once Football Manager WorldNet & BigTamVets 2019 – Earlybird Deadline One Week Away!