
Covid-19 latest – IFA season 2020/21

The IFA continues to monitor both the latest government advice and updates from the professional football world, as we move slowly towards a start date for the 2020/21 IFA season. With differing advice currently in place on either side of the border, the 2020/21 IFA league season will not commence until such time as teams Covid-19 latest – IFA season 2020/21

Shellsuit James

Everyone at the IFA is saddened to hear about the passing of James Hamilton, aka Shellsuit James, who was a member of the Airdrie team. A regular face in the Bod Bar in the Leeds Worldnet era and a Swally stalwart for many years, there was never a dull moment when he was about. RIP Shellsuit James

WorldNet & BigTamVets 2020 – Accommodation booking now live..

With the 25th edition of WorldNet and BigTamVets fast approaching, accommodation bookings for the halls of residence are now live.. Standard and Ensuite rooms are available and both rates include breakfast. The link to book the accommodation is here: When you get to the landing page, firstly please enter the Promotional code for the WorldNet & BigTamVets 2020 – Accommodation booking now live..