
WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 – Team Registration Now Live

Team Registration for WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 As a reminder, all attendees MUST follow the IFA Covid-19 code of behaviour at all times which must be circulated to all participants. This is available here: All attendees MUST complete a Lateral Flow test for Covid-19 before arrival and no earlier than 15.7.21, which MUST produce a Negative WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 – Team Registration Now Live

Midweek matches

Following a request from two members of the IFA this week, the committee has decided to allow midweek matches to take place for the remainder of then 2021/22 season, once we get back underway on Friday 2nd April. Once covid-19 restrictions are fully lifted, we will return to the traditional Saturday’s only format, unless agreed Midweek matches

IFA League season to re-start

Following the announcement of the end of national lockdown in England, we’re pleased to confirm that the IFA League season will re-start on Saturday 5th December. As a result of the guidelines released last week, only teams in tier 1 or 2 of the Covid-19 restrictions for England will be able to play matches and IFA League season to re-start

Covid-19 latest – IFA season 2020/21

The IFA continues to monitor both the latest government advice and updates from the professional football world in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. Following last weekend’s announcement regarding lockdown in England, coupled with the existing suspension of adult grass roots football in Scotland, the IFA 2020/21 season will be suspended until further notice. The IFA Covid-19 latest – IFA season 2020/21