IFA WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 – Day One Draw

Tonight, the draw has been completed for this year’s IFA WorldNet and BigTamVets tournaments, which will be held in Nottingham across the weekend of the 17th and 18th July. The draw has thrown up some interesting groups, please ensure your team liaises with your opposition around any potential kit clashes over the coming days. BigTamVets IFA WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 – Day One Draw

WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 – Team Registration Now Live

Team Registration for WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 As a reminder, all attendees MUST follow the IFA Covid-19 code of behaviour at all times which must be circulated to all participants. This is available here: https://www.internetfootball.org.uk/general-ifa-rules/ifa-covid-19-code-of-behaviour/ All attendees MUST complete a Lateral Flow test for Covid-19 before arrival and no earlier than 15.7.21, which MUST produce a Negative WorldNet & BigTamVets 2021 – Team Registration Now Live

Midweek matches

Following a request from two members of the IFA this week, the committee has decided to allow midweek matches to take place for the remainder of then 2021/22 season, once we get back underway on Friday 2nd April. Once covid-19 restrictions are fully lifted, we will return to the traditional Saturday’s only format, unless agreed Midweek matches

IFA League season to re-start

Following the announcement of the end of national lockdown in England, we’re pleased to confirm that the IFA League season will re-start on Saturday 5th December. As a result of the guidelines released last week, only teams in tier 1 or 2 of the Covid-19 restrictions for England will be able to play matches and IFA League season to re-start

Covid-19 latest – IFA season 2020/21

The IFA continues to monitor both the latest government advice and updates from the professional football world in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. Following last weekend’s announcement regarding lockdown in England, coupled with the existing suspension of adult grass roots football in Scotland, the IFA 2020/21 season will be suspended until further notice. The IFA Covid-19 latest – IFA season 2020/21